Depending on the way you provide services, we may have set up "Project Start Dates" or "Project End Dates" within your Dubsado Account.
You may even have Workflow steps that trigger based on the clients' Start or End Date.
If you ever need to manually set a Project Start or End Date, here's how you can do so:
Step 1: Navigate to the "Projects" tab on your left side menu + Select the client in question
Step 2: Under the Client Project Name, click "Set Date"
**Important Note: When setting your Start & End date, be mindful of the option to "Show me as Available or Busy". Selecting "Busy" will block off any timeslots that you may have available on your Scheduler between those dates. We recommend selecting "Show me as available" unless you are actually on-site with a client within those dates and are unavailable for anything else.