Depending on the Automated Workflow we set up for you, you may or may not have "To-Do" Reminder Emails for you.
These emails are triggered within your Automated Workflow and send a reminder directly to you / your team members Email Inbox with a description of the task that needs to be acted on.
Once you have completed the "To-Do" action, you may need to navigate to your Client's Project and mark the "To-Do" as complete in order for your Workflow to continue to trigger without interruptions.
Here's how you can Mark a To-Do Item as Complete:
Step 1: Navigate to the "Projects" tab on your left side menu + Select the client in question
Step 2: Select the "Workflows" tab within their project & scroll until you can see the "To-Do" action.
Step 3: Just below your "To-Do" item, you'll see a small check box. Click the check box to indicate that the action item has been completed.
