Your Dubsado workflow has been set up to cover all of the repetitive touchpoints that take place in all of your client interactions, BUT there may come a time when you don't need a certain step, you've merged some steps together, or you've simply communicated certain elements of your process verbally to your client.
In these instances, you may want to click "Remove" on any unneeded steps from your workflow, but we'd urge you to think twice before doing so - and here's why;
When you remove a step from your client's workflow, the step does in fact delete and there's no issue there, BUT if you happen to make any updates to the templated workflow in the Templates tab, and then click "Update Project Workflows" to ensure that all of your clients have the most up-to-date version of your workflow, you may find yourself with some unexpected emails being sent out.
Let's explain this a bit further.
If a step has been removed from a workflow, and then later on, that workflow has been reapplied in its updated format, any steps that already have a checkmark beside them will be saved as such, but any steps that have been deleted will be re-added back to your client's workflow as per the workflow template. Depending on the trigger for that particular step, it MIGHT send off immediately after clicking "Update All Workflows - yikes!
To avoid sending any unplanned emails to your clients, it's important that when you'd like to skip a workflow step you're not "Removing" it but instead clicking "Mark Completed".
This will communicate to Dubsado that the particular step has already been accounted for (but don't worry - it won't send the email or step to your client!), and Dubsado will place a checkmark beside that step.
This means that even if you make any updates to your workflows and click "Update Project Workflows", any of your active clients who have said workflow applied to their project will only receive updates to the steps that haven't yet been completed (ie., don't have a big black checkmark next to them).
Here's how to safely skip workflow steps on your client projects without risking any rogue emails:
Step 1: Click on the "Projects" tab in the left sidebar
Step 2: Select your client's project from the list
Step 3: Click into the "Workflows" tab and click "Mark Completed" under the corresponding workflow step