To make any edits or modifications to your Funnel Pages on, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click the dropdown arrow on the 'Website' tab of your main dashboard
Step 2: Select "Sales Funnels" from the list
Step 3: Select your desired Funnel from your list by clicking on the title of the Funnel
(You can also modify certain settings from this page by clicking on the 3 dots next to your desired funnel)

Step 4: Select your desired Funnel Page from the list of pages.
Step 5: Click "Edit Page" to make changes to design, layout, images, or copy of this particular page.

Step 6: Once you've made your desired changes, don't forget to double check how your new design looks on mobile by clicking the little mobile phone icon in the bottom left hand side of your screen:

Step 7: Once your design is finalized on both Desktop and Mobile, be sure to click "Save changes" at the top right hand corner of your screen, and then you can click the exit button to leave the editor:
