Depending on how your website was set up, you may have a horizontal menu on your desktop view, and potentially a Hamburger Menu on your Tablet and/or Mobile View
Here's how to Manage Your Hamburger Menu on Tablet and/or Mobile View:
Step 1: Visit the Full-Mode Editor & Navigate to either tablet and/or mobile view (wherever your Hamburger Menu appears)
**Important note: if your Hamburger Menu lives on BOTH Tablet and Mobile view, be sure to apply your changes on Tablet View, as your changes will likely cascade down to Mobile View.
Step 2: Click on the Hamburger Menu (You may need to click on it multiple times to be sure you're clicked onto the menu and not the section it lives within)
Step 3: Once you're properly clicked onto the Hamburger Menu, you'll see some options pop up - click "Edit Menu"
Step 4: Click as many times as needed to be sure you're properly clicked into the "Vertical Menu"
Step 5: Once you're properly clicked onto the Vertical Menu, you'll see some options pop up - click "Manage Menu"
From here you will be able to:
Select which menu is displayed using the dropdown list
Rearrange the order of your menu items (by clicking on the 6 dots and dragging the menu item up or down)
Add new menu items
**Important Notes:
When you're finished, click "Done"
Double check the changes have been applied on Mobile (if you made your changes on Tablet View)
Always remember to Publish your changes