Dubsado allows you to create discount codes (that you can manually apply to invoices) and gives your clients the option to use discount codes on their invoices.
You'll need to begin by setting up the discount codes - you can do so by following these steps:
Step 1: Click on "Templates" on your left-hand sidebar
Step 2: Select "Packages" from the list
Step 3: Click "Discounts"
Step 4: Click "Add Discount"
Note: You must set a Discount Code if you'd like for clients to be able to manually apply discounts to their invoices.
You can also set certain limitations such as maximum number of uses, or set your discount code to expire after a certain date.
Follow these next steps if you'd like to allow your future clients to apply discount codes when checking out. (This means you won't need to manually apply the discount to their invoice, you can simply share the code with them and they can apply the discount on their own while checking out).
Step 1: Click on "Templates" on your left-hand sidebar
Step 2: Select "Forms" from the list
Step 3: Click on your Package Proposal
Step 4: Click "Settings" at the left of the Proposal Editor
Step 5: Toggle the setting "Allow Discounts" to "Yes"
Step 6: Select your desired Discount type from the list, or simply click "Select All" to include all Discount types.
Step 7: Don't forget to hit "Save & Close" once you're finished
In the instance that you need to manually apply a discount to your client's invoice, please see the following steps:
Step 1: Begin by selecting "Projects" from your left-hand side menu
Step 2: Select the client project in question
Step 3: Navigate to the "Invoices" tab within their project
(If you have multiple invoices with this particular client, you might have to click "Invoice List" to view all of the invoices)
Step 4: Once you've selected your desired invoice, click the dropdown and select which discount you'd like to apply.
If you don't wish to apply the discount on all of the items within your invoice list, simply edit each Invoice Line Item individually and toggle off the "Apply Discount" setting. (This setting will only appear once the discount has been applied to the entire invoice).
Important Note: You can only manually apply discounts to existing invoices - so if you're working with a first-time client who has yet to select their package(s) & submit their proposal, you'll need to wait until that step has been completed before applying their Discount. In order to automate this process, consider following the steps above to enable the Discount on your Package Proposal, and share the Discount Code with your prospective client.