Do you want your meetings to be set up with an auto-generated unique video conferencing link? This means that each time a client books a meeting with you, Dubsado will generate a meeting link, which can be included in your automated meeting reminder emails (this must be set up in Canned Emails).
Don't forget to navigate into the Canned Emails and modify your appointment reminder emails to include the auto-generated unique video conferencing link.
Feel free to use this sample Canned Email that you can use for your appointment reminders:
Hey {{client.firstName}}!
Thanks for scheduling your call.
Here are the meeting details: {{appointment.title}} Date: {{appointment.start | mediumDate}} Time: {{appointment.start | shortTime}} Link to Join: {{appointment | appointmentConferencingLink}}
{{appointment | calendarLink}}
If for whatever reason, you can no longer make your appointment, kindly use the links below to reschedule. {{appointment | appointmentRescheduleBtn}} {{appointment.cancelled.reason}} Talk soon! {{brand.emailTemplate.signature}}